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 How to choose a TT wep --> Magic

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Age : 35

How to choose a TT wep --> Magic Empty
PostSubject: How to choose a TT wep --> Magic   How to choose a TT wep --> Magic EmptyFri Jul 17, 2009 9:09 pm

How to choose a TT wep --> Magic Magic11

Wep Addons:
TT70 TT80 TT90 TT99 TT100
Grief's Breath
MP +235
Vitality +10~11
Endless Ambiguity
Maximum Magic Attack +118
Channelling -3%
HP: +165
Blade of the Red Dust
Magic Attack +77
Channelling -6%
MP +335
Garuda's Flame Wing
Channelling -6%
HP: +205
Reduce Physical damage taken +2%
Channelling -6%
Magic +16~17
Critical Hit Rate +4%
Ashura's Sign
Magic Attack +63
Magic +10~11
Phys. Res.: +216
Magic +12~13
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Wraith Conquerer
Channelling -3%
Magic +14~15
Vitality +14~15
Broken Dream
Channelling -6%
HP: +205
Vitality +14~15
Acalanatha Wand
Magic Attack +63
MP +210
Magic +10~11
Magic Attack +70
Vitality +12~13
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Innocent Reverie
Magic +14~15
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Evasion +262
Channelling -6%
MP +360
Magic +16~17
---------- Acalanatha Wand: Sunflame
Maximum Magic Attack +106
Magic +12~13
Vitality +12~13
Solar Flame: Conquerer
Magic Attack +70
Channelling -3%
Critical Hit Rate +1%
Magic Attack +84
Magic +16~17
Critical Hit Rate +2%
---------- Wheel of Life
Magic Attack +70
Dexterity +12~13
Magic +12~13
Wheel of Denied Fate
Magic Attack +77
Channelling -3%
Magic +14~15
Inferno-Heaven Ravager: Souless
Maximum Magic Attack +142
HP: +245
Critical Hit Rate +3%
---------- ---------- Ardent Soul Shadow
HP: +205
MP +360
Critical Hit Rate +2%
Fate Denial: Godspeed
Channelling -6%
Magic +16~17
Vitality +16~17
---------- ---------- ---------- Divine Aegis
Phys. Res.: +289
HP: +285
Reduce Physical damage taken +2%
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