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 Misunderstandings & all that.

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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptySat Jun 13, 2009 5:09 pm

Excuse me for writing here, but I really didn't find a topic to post to. I have a little something to say to Rav if she now feels like reading it, because what just happened in-game went a little overboard. I was not trying to judge you and I think you really know that. First of all I wasn't even aware that you guys were "roleplaying" like Crash said. Second of all, you could of just explained what was behind it instead of kicking me. Worm came asking me what I disliked about the faction chat and I told him that I didn't like the fact how you guys made such a big deal about someone drinking wine alone at home. I told him I did think it was kind of stupid. One thing is if you had just done it but I think it went a little bit overboard how EVERYONE was involved in the topic and whenever anything else was said it was pretty much ignored. And I haven't insulted Worm. When I came to the faction he started off being kind of rude and finally I had enough. The fact I gave him the nickname is not because I wanted to piss anyone off, it was because I thought it suited his character name. If he'd be a little more polite towoards others, it would be more easier to get along with him. And as for the books if you appreciate literature so much you should know what I ment about Twilight, that was the only book I (if you want to put it that way) judged. You could of just said you don't agree and we could have stopped there. That's what I did when you judged the Harry Potter series and just told you I'll stick to my opinion. But you went deeper into it and started talking about why you don't like them, so on & on. So how was I the one to judge everything? What WAS I supposed to say? You're right about that I don't know you and you don't know me in real life, but you don't have to jump in my face just because I don't like something. I haven't said I'll disrispect you for it! There's loads of things people don't like about eachother, but they don't stop being friends just because of it. You can't say I haven't experienced life because I'm young. Yeah sure, there are things I don't know, but that doesn't mean you yourself know enough to say so. You don't know what I've gone through to just put it like that, that's all. I think you went a little too far. And I had NOTHING against ANYONE in the faction. So enough with saying that I did. I did not judge anyone. Neither am I a bad person. And I'm sorry if someone felt offended, because I didn't even know I did anything wrong. Thank you for your time and hopefully you get over the grudge. Never had I intended to cause a conflict.

~R2b albino

Last edited by R2bbit on Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:12 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : found typos that needed to be fixed as they bothered me. :))
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptySat Jun 13, 2009 6:07 pm

A nice little post.

I have warned before I am not a tolerant person. Over the last few days a couple of people have been using faction chat to get on others case about things that they personally don't like, I have been monitoring it after one of those people complained to me about someone else. I myself was told that I shouldn't be spoken to because I didn't like Harry Potter of all things! I am an open minded person, I believe we all have a right to our own opinions, however, noone should try to force their views on others. I have asked before that we keep bad language out of faction chat as much as possible for the sake of our younger members and you all have complied with this to a large extend for which I am grateful. I kicked Celinde from Berserk tonight as I believed using pm's to personally insult me was going too far and as she is one of those who has been getting on others case when she doesn't like them. None of us know each other, we are not in a position to judge and make assumptions. if you don't like someone, don't speak to or about then, if you have an issue come to me or to Crash and we will do what we can. I am wrting a charter and one of the main things is to be nice to each other. If you cannot be nice, there is no place in Berserk for you.
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptySat Jun 13, 2009 11:11 pm

Well, most of those things just said I hear for the first time. My welcome to Berserk was pretty much the same old "Hey nice to have you if you need any help let us know we're all helpful," which is nice, but, I've never really heard about all of these rules you just put up, Rav. I mean of course it makes perfect sence and I completely agree on the fact that people shouldn't push their views onto others, but may I also remind you I wasn't the one who started talking through PMs and like I said, whatever I told you, it wasn't supposed to be insulting, it was just an opinion even if it may have come off sharp. And if you want to have some clear rules in the faction, which I agree you guys should, then better write them up somewhere here now before any of this happens again. I seriously doubt any of the people in the faction would try and make someone feel bad on purpose, so if there's an issue with how anyone speaks it should be made clear. I will also repeat myself I do NOT have anything against ANYONE in that faction. Why would I? I've only talked to most of these people for once, maybe twice. I don't even know you guys so well to say if I do like you or not. I was just getting to know how everyone was so this all really disappoints me. If you want everyone to be nice Rav, Crash, whoever else is in charge here, then make that apply to everyone, not just me. The first thing you should have in every forum, guys, is a page to introduce yourself. The basic stuff starting with your real name and what you are like in real life. So if you really want to know people and what to avoid talking to them about as well as to get to find out things you have in common, so this situation wouldn't repeat itself, then make that happen, so everyone you still have in there actually would know eachother a little bit better than they do now. And AGAIN, this is JUST a suggestion, so think about it.
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptySun Jun 14, 2009 4:38 am

Though I was not involved in what occurred here, I believe that since this has been posted on our forum (perhaps where it should have been solved in game), it is addressed to each of us and will be open to our own interpretation--however limited that may be. With that said, feel free to clear away any misconceptions.

Rav does not do herself justice when she says she is not tolerant. I have seen her reactions to other people and she is calm and works towards making peace... while most of us just wave it off. I am a bit impressed to see that from R2bbit as well, since she has bothered to post on the forum expressing it to be a misunderstanding and stating that she never intended to offend. (However, I will add in general that not knowing or not intending does not excuse the person for their actions against another person.) I cannot speak for others R2bbit, but if he/ she/ they/ you think someone feels offended you should speak with them privately, rather than here where it may result in retaliation rather than understanding. =)

Be kind/respectful to fellow guild mates.
Refrain from foul language within guild chat.

True that these are not officially declared rules but it should go without saying that they are considered the basic etiquette that typically apply to any faction. If not in game, then they should be viewed similarly in real life when you are interacting with people you do not know.

What Rav mentioned about letting her or Crash know about disputes with others-- I have never seen it stated as an official rule, but it would be wise to speak with them first if a problem occurs.

In the future, I believe that if there is a problem with a particular person then the guild should be involved in the decision (at least the ones directly involved or affected) to remove the person from the guild. I consider Berserk a family faction, unlike some TW guilds that go by order of power, and each individual to have an equal say in the matter. If 'worm' (wrymhero?? o.o) or anyone else feels offended with what has been happening then they should have been consulted and maybe even directly asked if Celinde needed to be kicked from the guild.

I appreciate the suggestion R2bbit, there should be a basic introduction page as many other guilds have, though I myself do not intend on disclosing any of my personal information. Maybe others will. =)

Following what I have just said, I will have to include that knowing each other will not prevent any future quarrels. As this topic is justly named, majority of problems come from misunderstandings. I believe that stating the facts and clearing up definitions will prevent these misunderstandings.

For most of us, PW is like a vacation to Hawaii (if that suits you, lol) where we can have a temporary escape from real life problems, relax, make friendships, and enjoy ourselves. This is also how we should always feel being together as a faction and this is what we should always work to preserve.
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptySun Jun 14, 2009 5:17 am

I TOTALLY agree with Des' post.....the faction (or the ppl who are involved in the problem) should make a decision for that person.
And yes Des, R2bbit says 'Worm' to wyrmhero....But she doesn't want to annoy him with that....well maybe I did when I always called him perv guy (and that fear smiley).

I personally like Celi and I can't understand how you can kick ppl because they don't like/like something you don't like/like.....

If I may say that: wyrm is much more annoying than Celinde.....I just quoted him when he said 'fckin bich' to me ( Sad ) and the next he said was 'shut up'......I really don't like his vocabulary...A 20 year old man (like he said) shouldn't use that bad words, that sounds more like a 12 year old kid. But that is just my opinion and I'm excusing if I insult anyone.

PS: I like your new avatar Des
Very Happy
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptySun Jun 14, 2009 6:23 am

Ok, lets address this one once and for all.

I posted a topic the other day to say I will be forming an official charter to lay down some simple rules for us all to follow. Some things whether stated or otherwise, however, are basic good manners.

Now to address Celinde herself. If you see the version as you have stated then I am sorry that you feel hard done to. On most occasions when someone offends me I get mad and either stop readin chat or just log off for a while to cool down. When someone pushes me beyond my limits I react. I think if you could read back what you wrote to me then you will realise just how offensive and judgemental you were. I told you last night I was going to stop reading you messages as you were making me angry, had you given me chance to cool down a little you may have found me more responsive.

I have been in Berserk as an officer for a long time in gaming terms now, most of you have joined since. I hope you have found that I have been helpful and fair in my dealings with you all and if you've had any issues i hope you have felt you can raise them. I may have reacted harshly last night, but I stand by my decision to remove Celinde from our faction for the reasons I stated in my last post. As I am not an unfair person, I will personally reinvite if you all choose to overrule that decision.

If you have anything you wish to be included in our charter please post it on the listing in suggestions, once this has been compiled and is complete it will be posted both on here, and our website once that is up and running, and all new members will be directed to read and ensure they intend to follow it.

I love our faction, I love that we all get along, I do not want anything or anyone that is going to disturb the balance that we have.
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptySun Jun 14, 2009 7:31 am

Maybe someone should make a poll in forum if Celi should get reinvited? (if that is possible)
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptySun Jun 14, 2009 10:39 am

I personally stand against any kind of polls and what not when it has to do with me. I wouldn't feel welcome in a faction if I know there are people that don't want me there. Besides, I didn't post what I posted for those reasons anyway. It was just to clear things up as I don't remember all your usernames and therefore can't address everyone directly ingame. Well, I think that's all, I really don't belong in this forum either as much as I want to, if I'm not in your faction. So this is probably bye to you all. I liked Berserk and I'm sad it had to end like this. Have fun & if there's anything you ever want to ask me or still want to talk to me or even if you have anything you still want to clear up, my characters, as stated before, are Celinde and also Liis (that is my real name).

To Rav: I'm sorry I insulted you, I don't really know where to re-read exactly what I said, but I know I was harsh. The whole situation annoyed me and I was really put off by it. I guess our opinions just differ when it comes to having fun = ). I probably misunderstood you and by your actions I didn't mean the sitting on the chair and all that. You can dislike me if you want, doesn't mean I do too, so you know. I think this has gone way too far anyway and I'm gonna stop now.

Well. See you around! cheers
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptySun Jun 14, 2009 3:54 pm

It is unfortunate that this resulted in the way it did. From my own perspective I have never had a problem with you R2bbit, yet I only remember talking to you once or twice from Etheon’s faction on an alt. From what Dei has said (and thanks I like my avatar too, lol)—Dei had no problems with you. Most likely others did not as well. Do not be so quick to reject, possibly a poll is not necessary but Dei’s suggestion is not a bad one. If anything it will bring any conflicts with others into view where they can be dealt with accordingly- rather than having them swept under the rug.

It reasonably follows that a level of respect be held for Crash and Rav as being members of Berserk under their leadership. Personally, I would not approve of any rude treatment towards them. Rav said that she was offended with what Celinde had said. I am glad to see an apology from you R2bbit, though I do not know the extent of what was exchanged, or whether it is an acceptable apology when compared to what was said.

However, in the future, I would like to see an agreement when it comes to kicking someone from the faction. I trust Rav more than anyone else in the guild (sorry Crash!!), when it comes to making a level-headed decision but I believe that involving those who were affected will be the most fair. In this case it will also prevent leaders from taking full responsibility from the repercussions, prevent them from being singled out as acting out of tyranny, and fairly allow the members to have their voice in the matter.

There will always be conflicts, intended or not. Sadly enough, we cannot always please everyone. More often than not people will offend others in the guild even when it was not intended at all. No guild is perfect in perfect world. We can only choose our battles and make the best from what we have.

Thank you for sharing your view with us R2bbit. Since you have already made your decision, I can only wish you the best with whatever you choose to do in the future. Now with all of that said... farewell. Wink
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptyTue Jun 16, 2009 11:18 am

rather another thing against dei i am a 20 year old *man* yes so i decide how my vocabulary may be.ofcourse i keep in mind we have some younger ppl in faction and if rav or crash or any others tell me too stop it i will cuz but keep in mind that when i joined faction i asked crash if i am so good too join cuz im an big perv and i curse alot.and if u still dont know why i cursed at u then very pathetic so dont give all blame on me yes it was rather not that smart too curse at ya so as i shall,il srry that i cursed at u and called u a bich but keep in mind i wouldent say it for no reason.
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptyTue Jun 16, 2009 12:28 pm

At that day I said somethin like 'He got all items'. With 'all items' I meant the TT mats because Rav or someone was asking about the mats........
But it's unbelievable that you admit you are a big perv.......and unbelievable YOU apologized Shocked Laughing

and you said in your post '.....or any others tell me too stop it I will......'. I didn't see that with Bunneh some days ago (ya almost made her leave) Wink
But I guess this is not anything for this thread sry Laughing
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptyTue Jun 16, 2009 11:29 pm

i know i made her leave u dont need too rub it in but atleast i begged her too come back so i actually made my mistakegood again and yes i did apalogize but thats cuz some ppl do have hearts
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptyWed Jun 17, 2009 6:12 am

Aah sorry didn't know you begged her to come back.....after she left I tried to convince her to join again (successfully).

I guess this Thread can be locked now.
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Misunderstandings & all that. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Misunderstandings & all that.   Misunderstandings & all that. EmptyWed Jun 17, 2009 7:35 am

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