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 AOE Grinding for BMs By: Des

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AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des Empty
PostSubject: AOE Grinding for BMs By: Des   AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des EmptySat May 30, 2009 4:45 pm

AOE grinding for BMs

By: Des rabbit

AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des INTRO

Please read the following before proceeding:

This is my personal advice for those BMs out there who are interested in solo AOE grinding.

I ask that this guide is kept within the Berserk Faction Forum. This guide is solely dedicated to the BM’s of this faction and I would like for it to stay that way. While I have no problem sharing my tips/secrets with you, I have no interest in helping any others outside of this guild.

Please be respectful of my effort in researching and collecting information, as well as my input of my personal experiences and opinions from AOE grinding. Suggestions and/or corrections are welcome and will be updated into this guide whenever my time allows.

Again, most of this guide will be based on my personal experience and advice. I will not discourage you from experimenting and experiencing your own feats as an AOE BM, in fact—I encourage you to do so.


If you haven’t already read PWI’s guides I suggest you read the following before looking any further. Lyndura’s guide is one that I found most helpful when I began my BM, and will be referred to throughout this guide.

Lyndura’s Blademaster Guide:

Before I begin, I will give credit to Lyndura and her guide, I am, in no way, claiming her work to be my own.

And me, for the time spent on making this guide. I hope it is as fun reading as it was for me to make!

(Yes, I had fun making this guide.)

Cyan text: Lyndura's Guide
Violet text: My input



I. Requirements for AOE Grinding
II. BM AOE skills
III. BM Non-AOE skills
IV. (My) Method of AOEing
V. Where to Level
VI. The End (?)


I. Requirements for AOE Grinding

Here I will briefly explain the necessities for AOEing:

Having your BM at Level 49 minimum. At this point you will have all the necessary AOEs to begin AOE grinding. However the area that you will have to AOE will be easiest for Axe BMs. I would guess that Polearm BMs can still possibly level at this area; I have not tried it myself. (Explained in the last part of this guide—V. Where to Level.)

I suggest Axe BM’s over other paths if you are planning to AOE. This is because some will say that polearm BM’s can AOE and while this is true, there are certain aspects to using a polearm that make it more difficult and time consuming than an Axe BM. (I will explain my own opinion on why later on.)
***Since this is the case, the following parts of this guide will mainly be focused on Axe BM’s. However, I will add that I am both Axe and Polearm so to take advantage of the AoE’s available. (Again, I will explain my opinion about Polearms later on in this guide).

I’m pretty sure it is self explanatory, but HP charms are a must for AOE grinding. MP charms make life much easier while having both HP and MP Pots make your charms last considerably longer.

Another absolute must is Training Esotericas. Pretty obvious there, Lol.

Lastly, guardian angels are needed if you plan on AOE grinding. This way no experience is lost if you die and you don’t have to worry about asking a fellow cleric to help you, allowing you to simply spawn back in town and run back to the training area.

Last edited by Des on Sat May 30, 2009 10:13 pm; edited 2 times in total
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AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des Empty
PostSubject: Re: AOE Grinding for BMs By: Des   AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des EmptySat May 30, 2009 4:46 pm

II. BM AOE Skills

Here I will give a list of the BM’s AOE skills--axe and polearm, and minimum level required (taken from Lyndura's Guide ) along with my own two cents about these skills. The skills are in order of lowest to highest level of attainment. If you read the above, I suggested Axe BM’s over Polearm BM’s (for AOEing). If you choose one, please look at the skills coded as follows:

Common Skill Tree

Axe Skill Tree

Polearm Skill Tree


Level 23 Roar of the Pride

Another must skill for every Blademaster. This is your AoE stun skill, it will affect all the enemies in a range of 10 meters for x seconds, being 6 seconds at level 10.

Key skill for "stun locking" your enemy, a value skill for TW since one of your main roles is to stun groups of enemies to stop them from damaging your guildmates and letting damage dealers to kill them.

Remember that it requires 35 Chi to be casted, and a long cooldown (which decreases with a higher level of the skill), so you will need to time it wisely.

Also I want to point out: Stun effects do NOT stacks, so if there's already an stun effect on the enemy, wait it to end, then cast this skill. Otherwise you will unlock the opponent from the previous stun, and this one will not work. Timing is an important skill that you must practice to become a good Blademaster.

Not much to say about this one. It is VERY important when AOEing, PVPing, and zhenning. It buys time for your charm to recover when you are AOEing. Most importantly, the agro. The mobs will not run back and reset after they are stunned, allowing you to collect the largest amount of mobs. Also, If you are planning on doing some pvp while you’re leveling up then you want to level this skill as often as possible.

Level 29 Piercing Winds

Your second Bleed Skill. It will deal base physical damage plus an add on number to all the enemies in a straight line of x meters infront of you, and causes them to bleed the same add on number over 15 seconds.

As I said before, it's used in combo with Draw Blood, since Bleed status can stack. Excellent for Robe users, good against Light Armor users and just an extra against Heavy Armors.

For the momment, leave it at level 2, the next 2 skills are priority over this. Start leveling it again once you have plenty of Spirit points to use, that will be around 6x levels.

Personally, I do not suggest leveling this skill above the others because of the weak damage output. When compared to the other AOE skills, the damage from this skill is quite low. Also, it can be difficult to use because of the AOE range, only affecting mobs in a linear range. When there are extra spirit points to spare, then level this skill.

Level 34 Fan of Flames

This is an "AoE", it deals base physical damage plus an add on number, affecting all the enemies in a frontal/fan-like spray infront of you.

This helps Axe/Hammer BM when the other AoE's are in cooldown, and it's a must for Polearm BM since it's needed to AoE trainning. For other weapons is just optional, though, level 1 is required for the next skill.

Since most of the damage is taken from base physical damage, and with 553 damage addon at level 1, you can leave it at this level, put into priority other skills, and when you're 6x~7x and you have plenty of Spirit points to use, you can maybe then choose to level up this skill.

The damage from this skill isn’t great but it is one of the main AoE skills. Since this is a frontal AOE, you will have to adjust yourself to have each of the mobs in front of you. I suggest, as Lyndura states in her guide, to leave this skill at level 1. The damage after leveling this skill is pretty insignificant when compared to the damage of other AOE skills.

Level 39 Highland Cleave

Your second skill for this path, and your first AoE skill. It will deal base physical damage + xx% weapon damage + an add on number, affecting all the enemies in a range of 10 meters.

A must skill to get, doesn't matter if you're PvE or PvP, you will use it on both, and it's one of your main skills.

You will use this skill in combination with your other AoE's to give you the best performance when fighting multiple enemies. You can't keep a constant AoE'ing yet, but keep leveling this skill since it's one of your main skills.

As explained above, this skill should be leveled whenever possible. From my own experience, this skill deals the highest damage aside from the level 59 ultimate skills, which require sparks. Since this skill deals base physical damage plus and increasing percentage and an added number of damage, it will deal a much higher amount of damage unlike- for example, Fan of Flames which deals the basic physical damage with an added number. When level 10, it will deal and added 100% weapon damage.

Level 44 Drake Sweep

This is the common tree AoE, it deals base physical damage plus an add on number to all the enemies in a radius of 8 meters.

Another help for Axe/Hammer BM when the other AoE's are in cooldown, another must for Polearm, and optional for other weapons.

I suggest level 1 of this skill for any weapon, as same as the past AoE, most of the damage comes from physical attack, so keeping this at level 1 for a while is good. You will level it up when you have plenty of Spirit points to use.

Like Fan of Flames, the damage output is similar, but this skill becomes more useful since it hits all mobs around you. As explained above, this skill should be left at level 1 and leveled only when extra spirit points are available. (Personally, I would level this skill over Fan of Flames when those spirit points are available.)

Level 49 Fissure

Finally you got your third (fourth) AoE skill, now you're able to keep a constant AoE'ing. This one will deal base physical damage plus an add on number to all the enemies in a 10 meter range, and it will lower xx% of their speed for x seconds.

Since most of the damage comes from base physical damage, and the add on number is already high at level 1, you can leave it at this level for a time, and just level it up from time to time when you spare spirit points/money.

Not much to say about this skill. As said above, only level when extra spirit and coin is available.

Level 49 Metor Rush

Deals base physical damage plus an add on number to all the enemies in a straight line of xx meters infront of you, and push back them by xx meters.

Your pusback skill, that will let you AoE training. You require more skill than Axe/Hammer users, since your AoE skills are linear, so when you gather a group of mobs you have to place them correctly so all your skills damage them.

To use it, you use first gather a group of mobs then use Fan of Flames+Drake Sweep+Piercing Winds (Optional) to damage the group of enemies and then use Meteor Rush to push them back, they will come back to you and during that time they will get the damage from bleed and your other AOE's will finish their cooldown. Just repeat until they are dead.

Push back effect do not works against players, though, it works against Venomancer's pet, so it's good to keep that annoying pet away from you.

Another polearm linear skill, however much stronger than Piercing winds. The knockback is useful when you are waiting for your HP charm cooldown and Roar of the Pride cooldown.

I stated earlier that I suggested Axe BM’s over other trees for AOE grinding, so here I will explain why. Firstly the polearm tree has two linear AOEs while the axe tree has two AOEs with a 10 meter radius. The damage done by Highland cleave is much greater and you can also enjoy the range of your AOE’s. While Axe BM’s can level start AOEing at level 49, Polearm BM’s will find it more difficult with the certain mobs (especially for level 49 AOEing) considering their limited range. At level 55-ish at Dragon’s End, AOEing will be easier for Polearms.

Now, considering the couple problems of this skill specifically, the knock back from this skill is a bit of a time waster, especially when using a Training Esoterica. I find it much easier and quicker to fully focus on leveling my axe skills and only leveling the polearm skills when my other skills are leveled. The time lost adds up when using Meteor Rush, and I have found I can get much more experience just using my common and axe skills.

Second problem is the cost of spirit and coin to level this skill. If you are mainly polearm, this will be one of the basic skills needed to AOE meaning it must be leveled. Of course the other AOEs such as Fan of Flames, Drake Sweep, and Piercing Winds can be leveled to compensate, but the damage output is nowhere near as great as Meteor Rush. (At the moment my Fan of Flames is level 8, and deals base physical + 1478.4 damage while my level 2 Meteor Rush deals base physical + 1546.9. At level 8, Meteor Rush deals base + 2662.9 damage.) This skill is at the same point as the Axe BM’s Fissure skill, which does not need to be leveled as this one does for Polearm BM’s.

If Polearms suit your fancy, then by all means continue with it. However, I cannot give the best advice on Polearms. I am mainly an Axe BM with limited knowledge about using a Polearm. Here is a link on the forums about someone asking for polearm AOE grinding. Pay attention to Lyndura’s post, it will give you a general idea about the AOEs. Sorry to say I did not read all the posts but some information is there that you may find useful in your Polearm quest. Wink

Level 59 Glacial Spike

Attacks all the enemies in a 12 meter radius around you, dealing base physical damage + xx% weapon damage plus xxxxx add on number. AND reduces their physical and magical defense by xx% for 10 seconds. Requires 2 sparks to be used.

It deals an amazing damage, the second highest out of all the ultimate skills. It's able to one-hit robe users, cause serious damage to light armor users and good damage for Heavy Armor users, though, it's used more for the effect rather than for the damage.

Remember that it uses 2 sparks, so you have to use it at the correct time to get the best out of the effect. Usually, a common tactic is to lower the HP of the opponent, then use this skill to tick the HP Charm and use the effect as advantage to kill the opponent during the next 5 seconds using your strongest skills. Or you can make the Charm tick, then use this skill and use the left time to kill the opponent with 1~2 skills.

It becomes helpful when killing bosses, or when you have to kill a group of mobs, though, not suited for AoE grinding since it requires 2 sparks.

Great skill -- though as said above, useful for bosses and possibly TW; not quite for AOE grinding. At level 10 this skill does a 50% physical and magical defense reduction (on equipment value) debuff for 10 seconds which can fully be taken advantage of when there is a caster(s) too. Deals a high amount of damage at once (and can one-shot squishys).

Level 59 Heaven's Flame

This is your "ultimate" skill.

It will leap you onto your opponent (8 meters range) and it will deal base physical damage + xx% of weapon damage + xxxx add on number, AND it will amplify by xx% the damage your opponent gets for the next 6 seconds. It affects all the enemies in a 12 meter range, and it requires 2 sparks to be used.

Amazing skill, it won't only deal a huge damage, but it will make the next skills to deal a higher damage for 6 seconds. It's used in combo with other skills, like: For single target you use this skill followed by Drake Bash which is your other high damage skill. During TW you can use this one followed by Highland Cleave+Drake Sweep to deal some serious damage to the enemies in your range. At PvE, when doing AoE trainning, you can use Stun AoE, then Fissure, then this skill followed by Highland Cleave+Drake Sweep, and you will bring down the mobs pretty quick.

This is one of your main skills, don't stop maxing it.

Unlike Glacial Spike, this skill is very good for AOE grinding when the sparks are available. As I stated under Glacial Spike, it does a 50% physical and magical debuff at level 10. This skill however, does a 100% increase of damage taken for 6 seconds at level 10. Though it doesn’t deal as much as Glacial Spike (or Sword BM’s Myraid Sword Dance) at once, the damage dealt up to 6 seconds after will be doubled. Depends on your play style as well-- since both Glacial Spike and Heaven’s Flame are very effective in their own ways. (I will also strongly suggest that you level only one ultimate skill, whether that may be Glacial Spike, Heaven’s Flame or the other BM 59 skills. Sacrificing the money and spirit that can be used on other skills is too costly for two ultimate skills that require 2 sparks.) Personally, I prefer Heaven’s Flame over Glacial Spike just because of the high % debuff. The six second debuff is more than enough time for me to use my strongest skills, such as Highland Cleave for AOEing or Drake’s Bash for 1vs1. Not to mention… Heaven’s Flame just looks so damn awesome!

Also as stated above, for those that chooses this skill, level whenever possible.

Last edited by Des on Sun May 31, 2009 4:42 pm; edited 4 times in total
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AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des Empty
PostSubject: Re: AOE Grinding for BMs By: Des   AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des EmptySat May 30, 2009 4:46 pm

III. BM Non-AOE Skills

Here is a list of BM’s needed skills-- NON-AOE (again from Lyndura's Guide ) when planning on AOE grinding. Because this guide pertains to AOE grinding physical mobs certain skills will not be mentioned. (Will not be explaining Polearm Mastery.)

Level 9 Cloud Sprint

This skill increases you movement speed from 45% to 90% for 15 seconds (depending on the level of the skill). When you first get it, level it to 1. Then just level it from time to time when you have spare Skill Points.You use it at PvP and PvE for the same: Running, either, chasing your opponent or running from it.

Max this skill at level 59, since it's requirement for an important skill: Will of the Bodhisatva.

This skill should be leveled when there is extra spirit and coin to spare. The speed increase is great to have with each level and of course makes collecting mobs much easier. At level 59 you’ll be able to get Will of the Bodhisatva, basically another Cloud Sprint with an increased evasion buff, which is very important when AOEing at higher levels for continued gathering of mobs.

Level 13 Aura of the Golden Bell

Your physical defense buff. A must for every Blademaster. It increases your physical defense by xx% for 30 minutes, best part, it's a party buff, so you can share it with other people.

Always max this skill.

Max it. ‘nuff said.

Level 23 Alter Marrow Physical

Your second Marrow skill, this one will decrease your magical defense by xxx% and increase your physical defense by xxx%.

It's preference to which level you want to level it up. My personal suggestion is to max it always, you will be fighting a lot of physical mobs at early levels, and you will still use it at higher levels to AoE grind. At PvP you use it when fighting melee characters, it will give you a huge advantage during this kind of fight, and since these classes do not use magic attacks, then you're safe to max this skill.

For such a low MP cost, and such a huge defense boost, this skill is totally worth it.

As said above, max this skill. This skill will save a lot of your HP charm by reducing physical damage. However some BM’s choose to leave it at level 7 (90% physical defense increase, 90% magic defense reduction), then max it when they get the Demon Book at level 89. This depends on you, of course. When I use this skill I am always only fighting physical mobs so I can afford to max it.

Level 29 Axe Mastery

Self explanatory. Raises damage done with axes by a certain percent. I definitely advise that this skill is leveled whenever the spirit and coins are available. It becomes very costly but it is worth leveling.

Level 29 Leap Back (Not including Tiger Leap)

Your second leap, this skill instantly leaps you xx meters backward. Starts with 10.6 m. at level 1, and ends with 16m at level 10.

This one is used to get out of the range of your opponent, so it's more effective when getting away from a meele character to then use ranged attacks. You also use it to get out of the attack range of your enemies, like at TW, or from AoE's. At PvE it is useful when you use it to escape from exploding mobs, or from the AoE of a boss in case you're dying. Level 1 is always useful, so I suggest to get it at this level, and level it up whenever you have spare Spirit Points. Remember that it uses 15 Chi to be used.

Only because of the chi required I would suggest to use the leap skills only to get out of dangerous situations when AOEing. There are a great many uses for the leap skills when doing TW, PvPing, etc. Level 1 should be sufficient.

Level 29 Diamond Sutra

This is your first Spark skill, and it's your Heal skill. It will recover 20% of your HP and it will heal a xxxx amount during the next 15 seconds. A must for every Blademaster.

Believe me, you will love this skill, it will save you a lot from money that you will get from not buying HP potions.
This skill is one of your main to level up, though, don't rush to max it, always put your buffs/attack skills before this one. During PvP it becomes very useful against any class, you have to get used to know the amount your Heal will recover your HP, so you can time it correctly and use it at the best moment.

It’s a great skill. As said above it saves you some HP pots and/or will keep your charm from ticking. I suggest leveling it whenever possible.

IV. (Personal Methods when AOEing)


Here I will give my own pattern of AOEing skills. Know that this is far from perfect (my memory fails me when I try to remember exactly what I do). Also, I would like to add that you should find your own suitable method when AOEing. Here I will try my best to recollect my pattern. However the most important reason for this section is my reasons for doing certain actions.

(This does not apply to the Conquesting Dustwraith area, but for all areas after.)

Firstly I observe the mobs and: 1. Know where my starting mob is and 2. Know where the furthest or last mob I plan to collect is located. I begin with Cloud Sprint. (I always want to aim for at least 5 mobs at the least.) After collecting, I usually double back to the area between the starting mob’s location and last mob’s location—depends on the distance. When the mobs are running towards me, I then use Alter Marrow Physical and an HP pot, followed by Roar of the Pride. During the time the mobs are stunned I use a skill(s) then reposition when the mobs are able to move once again. After I use Fissure and/or Highland Cleave, I adjust my position so that all the mobs are in front of me. (Usually I always go behind the mob initially agro’d, unless it is not in the center of the mobs then I click on a center mob.) Then Drake Sweep followed by Fan of Flames. By then I use Highland Cleave again (since the cooldown will be up). There is a 2 second period where all my AOEs are in cooldown (if Highland Cleave is used before Fissure) and I either reposition myself again, use Marrow Physical, an HP pot, or simply wait a second.

In short: Cloud Sprint, Alter Marrow Physical, HP pot, Roar of the Pride, Highland Cleave and/or Fissure, *reposition*, Drake Sweep, Fan of Flames, Highland Cleave, (2 sec cooldown), Fissure, …

I would like to note at the above Roar of the Pride. When I stun I am in the center of a circle of mobs. I start with my widest range of AOEs (Fissure, Highland Cleave) only because I am not set up to properly use Fan of Flames. Why is it important? Well, because I like to keep my mob’s health about even with the others. Of course there will be weakened, increase life, increase defense mobs, but I am very intent on positioning. Once the mobs are set up, I can fully concentrate on damage. While you do not have to follow my method exactly, it isn’t a bad habit to practice when you have to give time for your Fissure cooldown, etc. I stated at the beginning of the guide that I am both Polearm and Axe build. If I am feeling up for it, I will use (copying from above with Polearm added) Cloud Sprint, Alter Marrow Physical, HP pot, Roar of the Pride, Highland Cleave and/or Fissure, *reposition*, Drake Sweep, *switch polearm*, Piercing Winds, *switch axe*, Fan of Flames, Highland Cleave, (2 sec cooldown), Fissure, … This is not always effective especially if you have trouble switching weapons. I put Piercing Winds between Drake Sweep and Fan of Flames only in case I mess up when switching my weapons—my polearm can skill use Fan of Flames. Not particularly effective, since Piercing Winds requires a spark, not to mention more work for yourself. Again, it depends on your playstyle.

Will update later when I remember what I use after “Fissure, …”

Remember once again that I am not telling you to use a particular method when AOEing, I am only giving my own style and the reasons for them.

*Extra note when AOEing* When you are used to gathering mobs to AOE, an easy, effective way of building chi is by using Alter Marrow Magical followed by Alter Marrow Physical as you are sprinting or AOEing.

Hotbars and etc.

I have found it easiest to put my skills on other hotbars and put health and mana pots on my number 1-3 keys. I also put my “Pick Up” button on my number 4 key.

(When I am AOEing, I always try not to waste as much time as possible. I always click on my skills in the hotbars. I use my number keys for pots and picking up items only. Otherwise, my fingers are always on my W,A,S,D keys for when I need to reposition. After AOEing a group of monsters I will spam my Pick Up key while turning the screen with my mouse to get a view of my next group of mobs. Usually I’ll know what I’ll be grouping next before I am done picking up my items.)


Many times, especially at lower levels, you will find that your Cloud Sprint (or Will of the Bodhisatva) cooldown isn’t over. The best way for those who cannot wait for the cooldown, would be to get a mount and collect the mobs again. Having a mount will also allow you to go for zhenning parties—in case you do not want to SOLO AOE all the time.

Alternate Characters

If you have another computer somewhere in your home, etc., I would definitely suggest making a cleric alt. The buffs make a great deal of a difference on your charms. Not to mention that if you plan on continuous grinding, the alt will provide you with extra storage while you AOE. If you die you will also be able to go right back to grinding without worrying about losing your AOE area or wasting precious time from your XP scroll by running back.

Competing for AOE areas

When you have gotten an AOE area, DON’T give it up! Many times there will be a BM who will come and try to take over the area. Don’t be discouraged, just do the best you can and make most of your XP scroll (assuming it has been used). I do not suggest trying to take over a spot if there is already a BM AOEing there, just out of common courtesy. Give it an hour or two and check back again.


There are some great genie skills out there, you probably know about them already. I don’t advise sacrificing your own XP, SP points for your genie, seeing as the benefits of leveling and having stronger skills is more important. However, if you feel that your skills and your level is adequate, then level your genie(s)! There are plenty of useful skills out there so take to time to experiment. (Don’t forget to look up your skills to see if you will have enough Affinity points to use them together or if they’re bugged too!)

Now this is just by my own experience, but I found these quite useful to a BM. I have a buff/debuff genie and an attack type genie as well however the attack type is more for 1v1. I’ll update with more details and skills later, when genies aren’t as buggy.

Dexterity, Vitality or Intelligence Genie (These skills will benefit the most from these types of genies)

Extreme Poison
Causes the target to take more damage. Can be stacked with skills like Heaven's Flame. (Every 10 Genie Dex Points increases damage dealt by 1%)

This is a great skill to have for 1v1 and definitely makes those long boss fights go by faster. Good for any type of genie really.

Tangling Mire Reduce moving speed and physical defense of the target and all enemies around it.

I think this AOE de-buff is great to have, and can be used when you are AOE grinding. It can also be used for 1v1. Use Tangling Mire + Extreme Poison + Heaven’s Flame to do maximum damage, whether it be PvE or PvP.

For those who may want to use that combo, you may find Essence Penetration useful. However this skill depends on how and when it is used. It will increase your chi, and then decrease it by almost double afterwards. For me, I cannot find a huge need for this skill except maybe in TW but this skill can definitely be useful when the time calls for it. Also, it will increase chi gained and lessen chi lost for every 2 dex points. Extreme Poison, Tangling Mire and Essence Penetration each have their own increases when the genie’s dex is raised, so I would suggest a dex genie for these skills. Remember that you cannot use all three of these skills at once, so it will also require an amount of vit, making a vit genie alright for these skills as well.

Holy Path
Increases the move speed of yourself and the squad mates around you to the max.

Not needed for BM’s but it is really nice to use if you’re trying to get out of a tough spot or need a few seconds to let your charm to restore itself after ticking. Personally I just get it for rushing, TW, or just goofing off.

Tree of Protection
Increase own Max HP. Recovers HP every 3 seconds

This skill is not necessary though many people really love it. I am not fond of it only because its effects don’t last long. It is more of a last-resort skill. However, it is completely up to you.

Alpha Male Attract all targets surrounding you and reflect Physical damage for a short period of time.

This is a nice skill for AOE grinding, though not completely necessary.

Cloud Eruption Increase the Chi of both you and the enemies around you.

This skill works great for AOEing, however it is a higher level skill which can be obtained at 55 minimum. It has a 30 second cooldown and requires a lot of energy. If you would like to use this skill, I would advise an MAG or VIT genie, however it will not matter at higher levels when more attribute points are available. Every 50 MAG points increases the energy gained by 1 per second. So, a genie with 50 magic points is suggested for this skill. From what I mentioned above, it will also need enough vit to get 150 energy.

Last edited by Des on Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:09 pm; edited 10 times in total
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AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des Empty
PostSubject: Re: AOE Grinding for BMs By: Des   AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des EmptySat May 30, 2009 4:46 pm

V. Where to AOE

Everything you need to know such as… Mobs and levels, Coordinates, Screenies, Youtube Vids, etc. and… some advice from Des.

*This part of the guide will be updated very often. There are many existing AOE areas out there, and I have already missed a few!

Conquesting Dustwraith, Level 49
(Sundown Highland—108, 568. The entire area in and around the houses)

Here is a screenie of lowbie Des AOEing here:
AOEing Conquesting Dustwraiths

Another Screenie with my Veno: Sundown Highland 2

The most important thing to note about the Conquesting Dustwraiths is that they do not agro automatically. You must hit a Dustwraith first and if that mob is within the range of other Dustwraiths then they will all agro on you. Key to this area is hitting whatever mob is in the center of the others, Fissure does well on slowing the mobs and Drake’s Ray with helping you gather more mobs. There are also Eldergoth Warriors that agro without being hit which can be included in your AOE. Agro’d Eldergoth Sharpshooters can either be AOE’d or ignored. Fissure and Highland Cleave are the initial starting skills to group mobs rather than Cloud Sprint—which will always be used in the future.

Feligar Champion, Level 55 and Feligar General, Level 56 (Dragon’s End—General area is 318, 596)

Here are a couple links to n00bie Des AOEing:
Feligars 1 Feligars 2

Here is a youtube video of a BM AOEing here as well:

This is your first real taste of… the rest of your BM’s AOE grinding life on PW. Now, this place is pretty easy and as far as I know, not many BM’s AOE here. When I was around 55-56 I could get off about 30% an hour here. My advice is level at this place as much as possible, then when the mobs become green (meaning you are three levels higher) focus on leveling off your quests. Of course you can continue to AOE when the mobs turn green, I suggest that you take advantage of this leveling area as much as possible before level 60. Sad to say, I have yet to find an adequate leveling area for solo AOEing above level 60.

Seaweed Thief, Level 73 (Mountains of Morning Dew—General Area is 672, 568 and further east on the minimap.)

Here is a pic of me overlooking the first area: Seaweed Theives (First Area)

Here is a nice youtube video of both areas:

The area further east is just as great… conversely; I find all the bamboo stalks annoying. However, I got used to AOEing at this area by looking at the minimap. There is still a chance you’ll run head-on into those bamboos but it doesn’t pose much of a problem. It is more secluded and gives you somewhat less of a chance of having competing BMs (or zhen party) bother you.

As I had stated earlier, I have not found an acceptable area for level 60 BM’s to solo AOE grind. This place is possible at mid-60’s however, it ticks a lot out of your charm (possibly half of it), mobs take considerably longer to kill, you’ll most likely get out-performed by level 70 BMs and not to mention that AOEing these mobs at around mid-level 60’s leaves you with a large repair bill. If you are planning on AOEing at this area before level 70, I suggest you bring a cleric or zhen. Since there are much more mobs in this area than any of the other areas I have seen, it is easy to grab too many at once and die before the HP charm can recover. With a cleric to help, you can take on twice as much and will find it much more beneficial for your charm.

At level 70 this place becomes much more easier, and you can probably grind here until the next area listed below. Calamity Axes of Blood has an effect called ‘Berserk’ which allows you a chance to deal double damage (at the cost of losing 5% HP). With some luck you’ll get a crit and Berserk at once and will see yourself doing over 15k damage to mobs. Absolutely great to have when you begin AOEing at this really nice area.

Pirate Minion, Level 76 (South Nightscream Island—Best area is 390, 525. You can get to Nightscream Island at Dreamweaver Port, there is a portal on one of the boats that teleports you to the Island.)

Here is a picture of me AOE grinding at this spot: Pirate Minions

Here is a youtube video of someone AOE grinding at the same spot:

The thing about this area is there is almost always BM’s AOEing here. The area you see in both the screenshot and the video is the best area out of all the others there. What make it challenging are the magic mobs that walk around the area. The area I have suggested has the least amount of worries and has no magic mobs that spawn in the general area. If anything, try to get this spot. There is an area further west down the open beach, however there are more magic mobs (Brigand Assassin). Usually I will switch between the initial AOE area to the west beach area while I wait for spawn times. At the west beach, I limit the mobs to five only because the first area is the REAL leveling spot. Many times, BMs will wait for you to leave the first area, even if its unguarded for a second—and take it over. All I can say is if you see some BMs roaming around the area, wait for the respawn rather than heading to the west beach. If your spot is taken—and it happens, try to take it back after the BM kills the mobs and wait for the spawn. If the BM is smart (not many are), then he’ll wait in the area; that’s where the real conflict starts. It is up to you how you want to handle the situation.

I remember I was so anxious to get to level 80 that I AOE grinded here for maybe 14 hours with a small break now and then. At level 78 I was able to get 10% an hour and at level 79, 9% an hour. I was able to get from level 78 (50%) to level 80 in one day. After all the grinding I made a total of 4 mill worth of dq’s and other items. Very tiresome… but it goes to show that BM’s are capable of a leveling in ways that other classes can only wish for.

Seaspray Bladewolf, Level 78 (Dreamweaver Port, Outskirts— General area is 627, 393)

Here is a youtube video of a zhen party here:

This is mostly a zhenning area as you may see in the youtube video. However, it works fine for solo AOEing and is big enough to fit two AOEing BMs, possibly one zhen group and one AOE BM, if the area is split. The terrain here will slow you down just a bit when compared to Pirate Minions. However it is a good alternative if the Pirate Minions area is taken.

Chief Assassin, Level 80 (North Nightscream Island—West of the camp of NPCS, easy to find because there is always a BM, or zhen party there.)

(Will update with SS soon.)

Could not find a Solo AOE video, but I found a nice Zhen Video. Its pretty blurry, like most videos-- but you'll get the idea. Pretty similar to Pirate Minions.

Not much to say here, except that it is a difficult spot to get (depends on timezone) but is just like Pirate Minions, but better.

Rockenwolf, Level 84 ( Land of Burning Heart—181,732 ... Secondary area 173,763)

Main area: Rockenwolves
Secondary Area: Rockenwolves, Others

Youtube vid of another Zhen Party here:

Hard spot to get as well, usually has a zhen party or BM AOEing there. Personally I find it a bit challenging because the wolves are much more spread out when compared to Nightscream. You’ll have to pay attention to the mini-map since there are usually wolves that spawn on the upper hill and lower hills near the lava. Another particular annoyance of mine with this area is that it is soooo dark and the wolves are not very noticeable against the darkness. However, it is a good AOE spot and is definitely worth trying if the other areas are occupied.

About the second area, it is no where near as great as the first. You will be able to add Cragrock Warriors, Level 85 and Oreliths, Level 83 into the mix. Not particularly great since the Cragrocks are a little more difficult to kill but it isn't that big of a deal. May also be more challenging for gathering mobs because of smaller amount of Rockenwolves-- as well as the terrain. You will also have to watch out for Burning Spirit, an elite boss that wanders somewhat near the area. However, I still see many soloing BMs and Zhen parties here, I have tried it myself on my BM and it isn't that bad.

Araneid Cruelheart, Level 89 (Boundless Grasslands—General Area 230, 808 … Though I will add that the mobs are spread out a bit farther)

I have yet to try this area. Whenever I do happen to go here however, there is always a zhen party. It looks decent enough though I will update when I actually attempt this place.

There are many more areas that are available though I have not yet discovered them. If ever, I will update for higher level AOEing.

Fishing (Ranged)
Hell/Heaven Zhen


Here is a video, just a little something to look forward to as you level~ Click Me!

This concludes my AOE grinding guide.

I would like to thank those who had the patience to read my guide. If it is found useful to at least one person, my job here is done! Though I do not believe I am anywhere near finished with this guide, I have written all I can think of for the moment. Good luck to all AOEing BMs and AOE BMs of the future.

-Des rabbit

AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des DestineAvatar

Last edited by Des on Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:15 pm; edited 10 times in total
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AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des Empty
PostSubject: Re: AOE Grinding for BMs By: Des   AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des EmptySat May 30, 2009 4:48 pm

To- Do List

-drake sweep, fissure holding agro

Update History

-Part IV, Genie section added (6/11/09)
-Part V, added Seaspray Bladewolves info & vid
-added Rockenwolves SS, edited URLs (5/30/09)
-edited minor errors
-added vids to part V, part VI
-corrected numerical errors

Last edited by Des on Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:42 pm; edited 4 times in total
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AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des Empty
PostSubject: Re: AOE Grinding for BMs By: Des   AOE Grinding for BMs        By: Des EmptySat May 30, 2009 10:16 pm

Reserved in case I need more space. I love you
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